Please consider making a donation today!

Symphony Parnassus is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, all donations are tax-deductible.

Federal Tax ID / EIN: 94-3338747

Donate Now

Other ways to give:

Write a check...

  • Make payable to "Symphony Parnassus" and mail to:
    Symphony Parnassus, PO Box 225297, San Francisco, CA 94122

Employer-sponsored matching gifts...

  • Your gift to Symphony Parnassus could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer! Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees, retirees and/or employees’ spouses.

  • Double your gift today! Contact us at

Violinist Kevin Zhu with Music Director Stephen Paulson

Violinist Kevin Zhu with Music Director Stephen Paulson


We are proud to acknowledge our generous donors in our concert programs and the Supporters section of our website. If you have any questions about making a tax-deductible donation to Symphony Parnassus, please email


Thank you in advance for your generosity and commitment to bringing musical excellence to the San Francisco Bay Area!